
Dramatic irony attracts notice as a kind of irony that has an active role in texts especially fictional texts. Dramatic irony function as a subsidiary factor in revealing weakness of characters and paradoxes in literal texts can be used actively especially in novels and theatre. Kılları Yolunmuş Maymun that is among the novels in which the most obvious samples of dramatic irony in Turkish Literature can be seen is a novel written by Güney Dal. This novel that attracts notice by the similarity with “Tutunamayanlar” in Turkish Literature, harbours various kinds of irony as verbal, romantic and especially dramatic irony. The character of Ömer Kul who is protagonist of the novel and represent double identity takes part in the centre of dramatic irony. In this article, a theoretical frame about dramatic irony has been presented and in this context, it has been analyzed dramatic irony in novel of Güney Dal’s “Kılları Yolunmuş Maymun” by samples.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Irony, dramatic irony, Turkish novel.