

Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar is an exceptional figure who has left a deep legacy to Turkish literature with his stories as well as in many other genres. The transformation of modernism on the individual is painful in the novel and short story heroes of Tanpınar, who reflects the ruptures created by the civilizational change that started with Tanzimat on the individual and society by emphasizing various concepts. The "lack" that constantly gnaws at the individual, the difficulty of absorbing the codes of the East and the West in the face of the new life, the ambiguity created by tradition and modernism in the perception of the past and the future, and many other reasons are reflections of the pains experienced by Tanpınar's heroes. Our aim in this study is to determine the aesthetic levels of poetics that form the basis of Tanpınar's style, which follows a modern prose in Tanpınar's story "Geçmiş Zaman Elbiseleri", and to reveal which images and symbols compose the transfers between things and people. Considering that each of Tanpınar's works is a sea of symbols; determining the sources of this sea on the language plane will give the richness of the symbolic dimension established in his stories, and the intertwined use of psychological analysis, psychoanalysis, dreams and symbols will allow us to touch the existential problems created by the creative imagination on the individual.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, language, image, Geçmiş Zaman Elbiseleri.