

It has been determined that the storytelling of Leylâ Erbil (1931-2013) is mostly evaluated in the context of structure, theme, mythological elements or literary sociology, and in psychoanalytic studies, character analysis is made by taking into account Sigmund Freud's theory. In this study, unlike the others, Erbil's story titled "Vapur" in “Gecede”, was analyzed based on the theory of Jaques Lacan (1901-1981). In the article; It is aimed to make a psychoanalytic-formal analysis by making use of Lacan's quilting point, Big Other, neurotic subject and small other concepts. According to the theory, the subject; it wants to reach a holistic view, albeit an illusory one, by creating an object of desire (small other) in the Big Other, which represents the linguistic power field. The Big Other signifier is a collaborative structure, meaning that this structure has the property of fixation (quilting point). When the subject goes out of this or suspends external reality, it cannot identify with the existing/fixed system. As a result, it can either completely stand outside of the Big Other and thus cease to exist, or it can continue to maintain this sense of completeness by creating new others/little others. In the study, the neurotic narrator, who "desires for someone else's desire" and cannot reach the lost object, is examined with close reading and based on the aforementioned concepts. In the story, the steamer, which turns into an object of desire, makes the subject-narrator unsatisfied process of subjectivation visible after its disappearance. Disappointment turns into neurosis in the subject who cannot identify with the symbolic order. The subject loses meaning once again in the symbolic order that is incompletely grounded and causes illusion.

Anahtar Kelimeler
“Vapur”, quilting point, Big Other, small other, neurotic subject.