

As well as all the legal, financial and linguistic elements in our social life depending on a kind of a social and common contract, literary works also contain an implicit or explicit contract. The principal components of this phenomenon in question that can be conceptualized as “reading contract” are the text and the author who has been recently retreated into background in respect to the reader. Especially in the recent times some critics like Umberto Eco put the intention of the text at forefront because of the difficulty in identifying the intention of the author and also put the concept of ‘role model reader bringing the text alive’ forward. Besides we can see that the authors make an implicit or a direct contract with the readers through the text. It is possible to argue the phenomenon in question in two types called as ‘a mutual contract’ and ‘a specific reading’. In this study a classification model, in which the related phenomenon can be evaluated through two subtitles as “mutual and specific contracts’, is bounced off. What is meant by mutual reading contracts is the generally accepted codes of literature leading the reading of the readers. On the other hand, the specific reading contracts come up in the circumstances when the author changes or metamorphoses the codes of the genre or the mutual reading contract for laying his/her entity bare. In this article the first poem of Mehmet Âkif Ersoy in his famous book Safahat has been interpreted by putting the concept of reading contract that has not been argued enough in Turkish literary criticism in center. Within the mentioned poem, the position of Âkif against the dominating poetical consciousness and the specific reading contract he made with the readers have been argued.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Mehmet Âkif Ersoy, poem, poem interpretation, modern Turkish poetry, reading contract.