Ethnic identity-ethnic tent is a phenomenon that emerges as a result of the efforts of the individual to introduce themselves as different from the others or the efforts of the dominant ideology to define the individual differently. The answer given by the person to the question "who am I" does not only manifest by referring to the country of citizenship or nationality or the economic class to which he/she is a member but, on the contrary, the individual also tends to some different forms of self-identification. The roles that the individual has undertaken since childhood and the traumas experienced due to these roles are the cause of the ethnic tent. Ethnic tent; is the shelter of group belonging. In all narratives centered on war, conflict based on ethnic origin forms the framework of the plot. In this context, 10 works that deal with both the operational, intellectual and emotional dimensions of the war (Hilal Görününce, Aşela, Ağlama Tuna, Emanet Çeyiz Mübadele İnsanları, Bingöl Cepheleri, Soğuk Cennetin Çocukları, Paylaşılmayan Topraklar, Yüzbaşı Selahattin’in Romanı I-II, Günbatımı) has been studied with political-psychological interpretation and within the framework of the principles of sociology of literature.