Special issues and "File"s is a bibliography resulting from our works on culture, arts, literature, theatre, music and folklore magazines. Here, we attempted to cover the special issues and files published in the magazines of the 1929 -1990 period. We covered only those issues of the magazines such as Türk Edebiyatı, Yedi İklim, Türk Yurdu, Hürriyet Gösteri, Milliyet Sanat, Türk Dili and Varlık that began to be published before 1990 and still continued, that fit into the target period. Therefore, the special issues and fi/es listed here comprise a work whose frame had been conceived in the beginning. It does not cover ali kinds of magazines ara wide period of time. Magazines published before 1929 ar after 1990 have been excluded. Alsa, because we have not yet been able ta search ali issues of such magazines
as Türk Yurdu, Varlık, Hürriyet Gösteri, Milliyet Sanat, we haven't been able ta include all special issues and files of them far the present. Iıı addition, there are many magazines whose all issues we haven't seen, as well as those that we haven't had access at ali although we could track down their existence at the libraries in Istanbul. Instead of making the bibliography into a plaiıı list, we preferredo rganizing it into sub-titles. Because, we have found out during our study that several hundreds of distinct persoııs ar subjects had been published in special issues ar files. Using sub-titles we tried ta organize them a little and help posterior researchers. A sub-title was given ta subjects or persons about whom at least 15 special issues ar files were published. The rest were categorized under "Miscellaneous Subjects ". Thus, we aimed that the bibliography is organized in as much a comprehensible way as possible and that posterior researchers can have the maximum benefit of it.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Special issue, files, bibliography, magazine, literature.