
Story and poem are the closest genres in terms of formal, linguistic and thematic among the literary genres. Specially during the modernization period, these two genres began to force the borders of one another much more. In Modern Turkish Literature, especially in 1940s, the structural transitions in story and poem are clearly seen in Orhan Veli’s poems and Sait Faik’s stories. Plot, character, place and time which are the basic elements of narration in Orhan Veli’s poems, are remarkably clear. In Sait Faik’s stories, depiction of the moment, sound system and imaginary system regarded as the elements of poem can be seen easily. In Sait Faik’s story, deepening of a moment of a person is seen more than a narration; narration rises to the symbolic and imaginary level. In the story “Dülger Balığının Ölümü”, there isn’t almost a plot; the death moment of the fish is deepened allegorically. In this intergenres study which is about Sait Faik’s stories and Orhan Veli’s poems, is seen that the two genres use each other’s means, in fact, by this way they approach each other. This can be registered as an important innovation in terms of the development of possibilities of the genres.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Story in the poetry, poetry in the story, Sait Faik, Orhan Veli.